*kip corn*
td abis dr resto, ke stasiun nya bareng seno & pi it (selalu)
mampir ke burger king
yg masuk sih cman aku, mereka nunggu diluar
beli kip corn 3, dapetnya 5 en + onion rings :p
special for u!
kekekeke, gak tau tuh kok aku kalo beli sering dapet gratisan hiehiehiehie :D
dulu juga pernah dapet gratisan cheese burger
trus kemaren di kfc beli 10 hot wings dapetnya 13 hotwings
hiahiahiahia, gimana gak lemu coba???

*beras kentjoer & koenir asem*
huhuhuhu, perutku sakit...
pinggang sakit...
perasaan jd lebih sensitif...
apa gara2 mo m kali yah
hikz, kok sekarang kalo mo waktunya jd banyak gangguan gini :(
mungkin karna udah 2 taun gak pernah minum jamu kali yah
dulu sering banget mimi' jamu kunir asem sama beras kencur
huuuu, jd penginnnnnnnn
mana jamunya enak, jamu di pertigaan jalan hayam wuruk depannya kantor kecamatan
jualannya mulai jam 6 sore...
minum jamu sama makan gorengan di depannya
huwaaaaaaa, kapan yah....

*Dam Square*
abis dr airport, aku sama tipe langsung ke amsterdam
niatnya sih cman pengin maem bami soep peking (bebek) di china town, nam kee restaurant.
harstike lekker pokoknya!
abis itu trus jalan ke dam raak/ square
rame banget ikz
maklum, mooi weer (cuacanya cerah)
jadi turis2 pd berseliweran deh :p
nonton pertunjukan jalanan
td pertunjukannya org yg nglepasin badannya dr ikatan rantai en tali.
lumayan seru juga :)
o iya, sempet poto sama patung2an di depan eks istana ratu.
tuh aku pajang hasilnya :)
ntar deh lain kali poto sama yg lain2nya.
benernya banyak sih org yg jadi patung2an begitu
patungnya macem2 en unik
fyiuh, susah juga ya nyari duit...
kreativitas sangat diperlukan
salut deh :)

*vakantie vakantie vakantie!!! :p*
horeeeeeeeeee, akhirnya libur summer mulaiiiiiiiiii
2 bulan euy!!!
mmmm, tapi libur bukannya seneng2 pergi jalan2,
tapi kerja huhuhuhuhu
mana jadwal full!
huwaaaaaaaa :(
tapi gak papa lah
nabung buat pulang nanti hehehe

*her name is SuGa*
ibu dari satu anak, angel.
kenal ma dia belom berapa lama
tapi entah kenapa, kita kalo ngobrol kayak udah temenan lama.
mungkin karena sama2 sangunis nya kali yah....
is she really sanguinis??
yeah i think so :p
lha orgnya rame kayak aku je hiehiehiehie
even crazier than me!
kapan lalu udah dikasih liat angel lewat webcam.
angel is amazing :p
trus td di share in poto ol nya hehehe.
she's pretty en sexy en smart en friendly.
kind of perfect *smoga gak gr dianya*
itung2 bales komentarnya dia ttg aku:
"Hmm... she is sweet individual who appears to be happy , cheerful and full of life and know what she wants plus kind soale ngasih saya salam dr si Kang Mas sama ngasih saya Josh, padahal saya yg ngenalin dia ke si Josh :P"
hiahiahiahia, impas ya mbak suga :P

Every Heart
by Boa
ikutso namida o nagashitara
if there are many tears falling down
every heart sunao ni nareru darou
every heart will be more gentle
dare ni omoi tsutaetara
if two express their feelings
every heart kokoro mita sareru no darou
every heart, ona can make their heart stisfied
nagai nagai youru ni obeiteita
i was getting frightened from the long long night
tooi hoshi ni inotta
i was praying upon the star far away
meguru meguru toki no nake de
in relationship time comes around and around
bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru
we were searching for love
tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara
because we want to be stronger and stronger
kyou mo takaisora miageteiru
today we look up high in the sky
meguru meguru toki ne nake de
in relationship time comes around and around
boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru
we know why our heart is living
toki ni warai shugoshi naite
time doesnt make two laugh

kemaren restonya sepiiii
tapi dapet tip nya lumayan :p
tau apa kata si alex??
"it's because of ur smile!!"
/me set mode malu on
lhaaaaaaaa, senyum en ketawa kan emang udah dr sononya selalu nongol
kata mami tom, dia kalo kerja sama aku pasti jadi banyak ketawa
so, suasana kerja kan jadi ceria :)
tapi kalo hati ini lagi burem, pikiran kusut, perasaan suntuk,
wah wah staff resto pasti sibuk melemparkan berbagai macem pertanyaan.
soalnya ini wajah yg dasarnya udah jelek jadi tambah jelek tanpa senyum dan cengiran yg selalu ongkrtong disana.
ughhhhhhhhh, kalo lagi gak mood kan penginnya diem aja.
just leave me alone in my empty mind.
o iya, kemaren ada 2 turis yg duduk di meja no.4
saat mereka mo pergi, mereka bilang:
kami akan kesini lagi besok kamis, boleh gak?
ya boleh2 ae, tiap hari juga boleh :D
trus minta kartu nama ne resto bangkok.
lagi2 alex bilang:
"coz u're smiling!"
*smile is free*
ingin tersenyum sebanyak mungkin, anytime anywhere
en sharing it with other people,
especially with my dearest one...

*song of the day*
To Where U Are
by Josh Groban
Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear
Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight to see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen
As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe that angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave
I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

*song of the day*
Norway 2003
I'm Not Afraid To Move On
by Jostein Hasselgard
One moment out of time
Someone finds a secret
Waiting behind
Knowing there's an end to a glory
End to a story
So good, so divine
Heart, listen to your beating
Never gonna stop
Unless there's a doubt
Never speak to someone that knows you
More than yourself
And the goast that you hide
Cos I'm in love
With a beautiful girl
She's the one from the magical world
And I hold her now
When the rain starts to fall
I'm not afraid to move on
Lay down with someone strange
Dare to be the same, as always in time
Slowly seek the end at it's glory
Wherever to seek, if it's gone
Deep inside
Cos I'm in love
With a beautiful girl
She's the one from the magical world
And I hold her now
When the rain starts to fall
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to move on
I'm alone when the goast starts to hunt
I'm alone, but I know I'm in love
With a beautiful girl
She's the one from the magical world
And I hold her now
When the rain starts to fall
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to move on

*seperti malaikat dalam lukisan*
td pas mo berangkat ke amsterdam, pas nunggu kereta,
liat co cakep buanget!!!
dia bareng sama 2 temennya.
turis, bagapackers :)
pas keretane dateng, sengaja aku jalan di belakang mereka biar gak ketinggalan jejak en bisa selalu ngeliatin.
huahuahauhaua, sengaja cari tempat duduk yg bisa merhatiin tapi gak ketauan :D
alhasil, selama perjalanan ngeliatin dia terus.
ngirim sms juga sambil ngeliatin dia hhuehuehue.
trus pas nyampe amsterdam, tetep jalan di belakang mereka :p
bisa denger mereka ngobrol.
tapi ya gak dong, lha mereka pake basa spanyol kok.
huhuhuhuhu, dia bener2 cakep!!
asli cakep!!!!!!!
bener2 cakeppppp!!!!
*ngilerz* :P~~
udah ah jangan ngomongin dia lagi,
ntar ada yg jeles huehueheuheuhe :p
ntar mimpi apa yah???