My Lovely Flowers

Lovely Sugar



Detail | See Me

Mijn Liefde


Like Teen

Detail | Watch Me

Ik ben Jarig!



Detail | Find Me

I'm fine...really...

kabutnya tebel euy!!!
week end ini gak ada kereta dari Haarlem ke Amsterdam Sloterdijk dan sebaliknya :(
jadi terpaksa naik bis, trus dari stasiun sloterdijk naik kereta ke satasiun amsterdam central
pulangnya juga begitu, naik kereta dari amsterdam central ke stasiun sloterdijk, trus nyambung pake bis
mana kalo naik bis perut serasa di aduk2, bawaannya mual en pening
padahal dulu tiap hari selalu naik bis jalur 6 pulang pergi sekolah dari jaman smp sampe smu :p
tau sendiri bis jalur 6 itu yg selalu penuh sesak campur aduk dg berbagai macam bau, dan bisnya jarang lewat, paling nggak setiap setengah jam sekali baru ada.
hmmm, dulu tarif pelajar yg kukenal 150, trus naik dan naik terus sampe 400.
sekarang berapa yah??
kepalaku masih sakit ikz :(

I Loved You All The Way
by Janie Frickie

All this time we've been together
Everyday a new adventure
Times enough to last forever and a day
Our love was sometimes all we have
Through good times and through bad
I loved you all the way

All our days were bright and sunny
There are times we had no money
You can always find some funny things to say
And looking back on where we've been
l'll do it all again
I loved you all the way
I loved you all the way
Every might, every night, everyday

Times I thought I couldn't take it
Wondering if ever make it
You can hold me close and make it go away
And though I've said it all before
I've never meant it more
I loved you all the way

*song of the day*

ost nya meteor garden 2 seri 31
pas shancai sama taoming se ketemu lagi di barcelona, en berdoa bareng di gereja tempat dulu ase mo ngelamar shancai tapi gak jadi gara2 tabrakan en amnesia...
apik lho lagune :)

And With A Broken Wing
She Still Sings
She Keeps An Eye On The Sky
With A Broken Wing
She Carries Her Dreams
Man, You Ought To See Her Fly!!!

abis ujian...gak bisaaaaaaa!!! hahahahaha
namanya juga gak belajar :)
kalo gak lulus, berarti balik indo nogh

aku lelah Tuhan...
apa aku harus menunggu terus, ato should i take an extreme action??
tapi kalo aku diem entah sampe kapan baru selese.
or...mungkin emang aku harus meng-sue mereka kali yah
tapi kalo aku nekat, bakalan tambah susah lagi.
bener2 udah compilcated banget!
tak taulah...
mungkin minggu depan hrs ke RechtHulp...organisasi pengacara2 muda yg baru lulus buat ngasih advice masalah2 recht (hukum) secara cuma2 alias gratis.
kalo bisa menang, kan lumayan. bisa beliin tiket pesawat ke temen :)
hueeeeee, aku belom cari alamatnya di buku telpon!
hehehe bayangkan kalo aku hrs hire seorg pengacara...duit e sopo???
mana lagi defisit lagi!
tabungan cman 700, tapi tagihan hampir 1500.
dasar duduls ikz :(
hixz, harus kerja rodi lagi.
minggu depan jadwal kerja ful. minggu ini juga hampir ful.
badan udah banyak peta berwarna biru2 hehehehe.
tapi kan hrs tetap semangat. iya gak??
seperti kata bapak tercinta, dimana ada kemauan, disitu pasti ada jalan.
nah, kemauanku itu adalah, sebelum winter hrs punya tabungan banyak biar bisa pulang liburan!

aku laper..dan tak punya uang sepeser pun di kantong buat beli makanan! mana harus langsung bersih2 rumah lagi...
life oh life!!

i need an easy friend, i do...
with an ear to lend!!!!

i'm tired
i have no one to talk to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love is the power
in the center of your soul,
that makes you feel needed
and wanted and whole.

It is the force within
that heals the wounds of life,
that eases your anguish
and lessens your strife.

It's giving and caring
and kindness and sharing,
it's trusting each other
and never comparing.

It's the foundation of which
your soul is built upon,
that never will die
and will always live on.

good morning sunshine
be with me all day...

*Mother How Are You Today*

Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter
With me everything is OK
Mother, how are you today?

Mother, don't worry, I'm fine
Promise to see you this summer
This time there'll be no delay
Mother, how are you today?

I miss U...

" Mutia Shafa Dhiya Rahmawati "
Alkhamdulillah adik Daffa' telah lahir pd hari sabtu 15 maret 2003
bayi perempuan dg berat 3,4 kg dan panjang 50 cm

akhirnya aku punya keponakan cewek *horeeeeeeeee*
aku cman berharap dia gak bakalan jadi seperti aku :)

td malem sepulang kerja telpon rumah jkt, yg ngangkat mas lukman.
nyokap, ani, en shafa masih di rs. 2 jam lagi baru pulang.
ya udah akhirnya aku tidur. capekkkkkkk banget!
restonya bener2 rame ikz.

trus td pagi abis bangun tidur (dah siang ding, bangunnya jam 10.30 :p) langsung telpon lagi.
kali ini yg ngangkat nyokap.
huwaaaaaa, padahal aku pengin denger suaranya shafa, tapi dia masih bobok je :(
nyokap bilang kalo bokap barusan nyampe jkt.
ya udah akhirnya ngobrolan bentar.
ortu bakalan tinggal di jkt selama 10an hari lagi.

td sebelum ke kampus, jalan2 ke toko pakaian en perlengkapan bayi.
huwaaaaaaaaaaaa apik2!
aku pengin beliin buat keponakan ku yg baru, tapi gimana cara ngasihnya??

susah mengerti

ternyata itu yg kau liat dr diriku...
thank you for reminding me these...

i turn away from the wall, i stumble en fall
but i give u it all....

Ada saat didalam kehidupanmu dimana kamu sangat merindukan seseorang, kamu
ingin mengambil mereka dari mimpimu dan benar benar dapat memeluk dia.
Berharaplah bahwa kamu dapat bermimpi tentang dia, mimpilah apa
yang ingin kamu impikan, pergilah kemana kamu ingin pergi, jadilah sesuai
dengan apa keinginanmu, karena kamu hanya hidup sekali dan satu kesempatan
untuk melakukan apa yang kamu inginkan tetapi ingatlah apakah orang
disekitarmu yang sangat mencintai kamu tidak terluka atas apa yang telah
kamu perbuat.

L'arc-en-Ciel quiz

First off -- the person you love has hurt you. You:
-decide to kill them

When you're feeling sad, you:.
-take a walk

Do people tend to understand you?
-::grins:: If they don't, I'll make them

Your favourite manga are:
-sappy shoujo manga

You can't stand:
-that person that hurt you

Your love record is full of:
-good memories

Love is...
-...forever. No matter what

okay, so sex is...
-A spiritual existence

Be honest -- which best describes you?
-Off-beat and cheerful

if I were an animal, I would be a(an):
-dolphin.Keen, emotional, and true

How would you say goodbye to that person?
-It doesn't matter how I say it outloud -- because I'll never say it within

Your closet is full of:
-things I'm comfortable in, although once and a while I'll wear my old stuff for kicks

When you crush on someone, you:
-obsess, madly, deeply, passionately

While outside you may seem _______, you're genuinely ______.
-Independent; longing

Your life's philosophy is closest to?
-"Take time out every day to truly show someone how much you love them." ::cough;:

Do you have a nickname?
-Does that really matter?

Describe your ideal mate to me.
-Someone I'm happy just being with

Are you in love right now?
-Yeah, but sometimes I wonder if I'll ever feel like I used to...

You have three wishes. Your first one is:
-for that person to be happy

Test is over
-I kinda liked being asked all those questions

*ngisi quiz lagi ahhhhhhhhh*

You're Sai wa Nagerareta!

You're Sai wa Nagerareta!

Your incredible apathy amazes me. You just don't care!
Your melody is cheerful, but not overly so, which probably
describes you. You don't see the point in love and romance --
-- even if everyone else around you is falling in love,
you couldn't care less. You complain about not being
understood, but some of your lyrics are indecipherable:
"Mew is dead," for example. Isn't Mew a Pokemon...?
Oh well, I like you plenty anyway.

What Little-Known L'arc~en~Ciel Song are You?

iki kok mirip sih ???

*ngisi quiz ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

You're Shizuka no Umi de!

You're Shizuka no Umi de!

You're one of L'arc~en~Ciel's most experimental songs.
Haunting and beautiful, you start off slow and quiet,
showing off some of Hyde's higher range while still
being very nice to listen to. But midway through, you
become a stream of instrumentals, each one creating a calm,
relaxed, heavenly effect. You're a song about love,
and about waiting for your love, no matter what.
You probably believe in fate, and your heart is truly

What Little-Known L'arc~en~Ciel Song are You?

any comments???


Percuma nenek moyang merintis perhitungan tanggal,
kalau ternyata kita selalu gagal menghitung saat perjumpaan,
kita menanti dan terpaksa terus bertanya, "kapan?"
bahkan jarum jam telah patah karena terlalu lelah berputar
apalagi aku yang duduk sendiri....

*Ajarilah Aku*

Hari ini,
Ajari aku, merobek angka kalender !!

*song of the day*

We Could be In Love
by Lea Salonga and Brad Kane

Be still my heart
Lately its mind is on its own
It would go far and wide
Just to be near you
Even the stars
Shine a bit bright I've noticed
When your close to me
[Lea Salonga]
Still it remains a mystery

Anyone who's seen us
Knows what's going on between us
It doesn't take a genius
To read between the lines

and it's not just wishful thinking
or only me who's dreaming
i know what these are symptoms of
we could be in love

I ask myself why
I sleep like a baby through the night
Maybe it helps to know
you'll be there tomorrow
Dont open my eyes (oOOooO)
I'll wake from the spell I'm under
makes me wonder how
(tell me how I could live without you now)

and what about the laughter
the happy ever after
like voices of sweet angels
are calling out our names


(key change)
all my life i have dreamed of this but i could not see your face
dont ask why to such distant start can fall right into place


oh it doesnt take a genius to know what these are symptoms of..
we could be (oo oh)
we could be
we could be in love
could be in
....we could be in love

My New Mobile Phone

35 euro/month includes 300 minutes (ben extra)
15 euro/month includes 120 sms (sms bundels)
24 months
mobile phone for free

I've been drowning into your heart shape box....