Bt di kantor jam 9 lebih blm pada datenggggg!!!
Bt dengan orderan shipment ke Australia, gak dapet space boooo!! Gimana mo profit coba??
By the way...
turut berduka cita buat sobatku Latipe yg di weekend ini bakal di tinggal merit sama gebetannya!!! Duh kaciannn bener tuh anak.
Ayo Tip semangat!!! gak dpt adiknya, kan kakaknya msh nganggur tuh hueheuheueu, bukannya dulu cinta pertamamu sama si sang kakak?? kok patah hati sama si adik??
yah semoga sukses dg skripsinya ya Tip. trus balik indo dapat kerja en ikut asuransi Prudential hueheuheuehueheu!!! aminnnnnnn!!

"We all want, above all, to be heard - but not merely to be heard. We want to be understood - heard for what we think we are saying, for what we know we meant." --Deborah Tannen
Communication is the principal building block of any relationship, but communication isn't just about expressing a thought. It's also about understanding what your partner is saying and conveying, back to them, that you understand.

Be careful, it's my heart,
It's not my watch you're holding, it's my heart.
It's not the note that I sent you that you quickly burn,
It's not a book I lent you that you never return.
Remember, it's my heart.
The heart with which so willingly I part
It's yours to take, to keep or break,
But please, before you start,
Be careful, it's my heart.

I used to think I had the answers to everything
But now I know that life doesn’t always go my way
Feels like I’m caught in the middle
That’s when I realize
I’m not a girl not yet a woman
I’m not a girl there is no need to protect me
It’s time that I learned to face up to this on my own
I’ve seen so much more than you know now
So don’t tell me to shut my eyes
But if you look at me closely
You will see it in my eyes
This girl will always find her way
I’m not a girl don’t tell me what to believe
Not yet a woman
I’m just trying to find the woman in me
All I need is time, a moment that is mine
While I’m in between....

Dia diambil dari tulang rusuk. Jika Tuhan mempersatukan dua orang yang berlawanan sifatnya, maka itu akan menjadi saling melengkapi. Dialah penolongmu yang sepadan, bukan sparing partner yang sepadan.
Ketika pertandingan dimulai, dia tidak berhadapan denganmu untuk melwanmu, tetapi dia akan berada bersamamu untuk berjaga-jaga di belakang saat engkau berada di depan atau segera mengembalikan bola ketika bola itu terlewat olehmu, dialah yang akan menutupi kekuranganmu.
Dia ada untuk melengkapi yang tak ada dalam laki-laki: perasaan, emosi, kelemah-lembutan, keluwesan, keindahan, kecantikan, rahim untuk melahirkan, mengurusi hal-hal sepele..? hingga ketika laki-laki tidak mengerti hal-hal itu, dialah yang akan menyelesaikan bagiannya...sehingga tanpa kau sadari ketika kau menjalankan sisa hidupmu...kau menjadi lebih kuat karena kehadirannya di sisimu.
Jika ada makhluk yang sangat bertolak belakang, kontras dengan lelaki, itulah perempuan. Jika ada makhluk yang sanggup menaklukan hati hanya dengan sebuah senyuman, itulah perempuan.
Ia tidak butuh argumentasi hebat dari seorang laki-laki...tetapi ia butuh jaminan rasa aman darinya karena ia ada untuk dilindungi...tidak hanya secara fisik tetapi juga emosi.
Ia tidak tertarik kepada fakta-fakta yang akurat, bahasa yang teliti dan logis yang bisa disampaikan secara detail dari seorang laki-laki, tetapi yang ia butuhkan adalah perhatiannya...kata-kata yang lembut...ungkapan-ungkapan sayang yang sepele...namun baginya sangat berarti...membuatnya aman di dekatmu...
Batu yang keras dapat terkikis habis oleh air yang luwes, sifat laki-laki yang keras ternetralisir oleh kelembutan perempuan. Rumput yang lembut tidak mudah tumbang oleh badai dibandingkan dengan pohon yang besar dan rindang...seperti juga di dalam kelembutannya disitulah terletak kekuatan dan ketahanan yang membuatnya bisa bertahan dalam situasi apapun.
Ia lembut bukan untuk diinjak, rumput yang lembut akan dinaungi oleh pohon yang kokoh dan rindang. Jika lelaki berpikir tentang perasaan wanita, itu sepersekian dari hidupnya...tetapi jika perempuan berpikir tentang perasaan lelaki, itu akan menyita seluruh hidupnya...Karena perempuan, diciptakan dari tulang rusuk laki-laki, karena perempuan adalah bagian dari laki-laki...apa yang menjadi bagian dari hidupnya, akan menjadi bagian dari hidupmu. Keluarganya akan menjadi keluarga barumu, keluargamu pun akan menjadi keluarganya juga. Sekalipun ia jauh dari keluarganya, namun ikatan emosi kepada keluarganya tetap ada karena ia lahir dan dibesarkan disana. Karena mareka, ia menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Perasaannya terhadap keluarganya, akan menjadi bagian dari perasaanmu juga...karena kau dan dia adalah satu...dia adalah dirimu yang tak ada sebelumnya. Ketika pertandingan dimulai, pastikan dia ada di bagian lapangan yang sama denganmu.
Taken from: WeBe

=== few reasons why guys like girls ===
1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3. How cute they look when they sleep
4. The ease in which they fit into our arms
5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6. How cute they are when they eat
7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside
9. The way they look good no matter what they wear
10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
11. How cute they are when they argue
12. The way her hand always finds yours
13. The way they smile
14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
15. The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later....
16. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17. The way they kiss you when you say "I love you"
18. Actually ...just the way they kiss you...
19. The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt.(even though we don't admit it)!
23. The way they say "I miss you"
24. The way you miss them
25. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore.....Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.

Song For The Unloved
This one's for the mothers
who have lost a child
And this one's for the gypsies
who've left their hearts behind
This is for the strangers sleeping in my heart
who take what they want
and leave while it's still dark
No one is glamorously lonely
All by themselves
This is a song for the unloved
This is the music for one last cry
This is a prayer that tomorrow
will help me leave the past behind
It's a song for the unloved
This one's for the bridesmaid, never the bride
This one's for the dreamers, who lock their faith inside
And this is for the widows who think there's only one
For the dying fathers who never told their sons
Oh, tomorrow the sun will shine
And dry the tears in your eyes
Suddenly love comes alive
For one last cry
Just one last cry

Tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa siang berganti malam
Tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa matahari masih bersinar
Tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa angin yg dingin masih berhembus
Tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa bintang terjatuh
Tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa orang2 tidur dalam dingin
Tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa keberuntungan pergi dari kita
Tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa bunga harus layu
Dan tak seorang pun yg tahu kenapa aku masih ada disini...

Lange dagen, moederziel alleen. Het lijkt alsof echt niemand om mij geeft. Onbewogen, starend naar de klok vragend aan mijnzelf waarvoor ik leeft?
Iedereen kan soms het leven niet meer aan. Iedereen heeft pijn soms, dus laat mijnzelf niet gaan.
Niet geslapen, weer een lange nacht. Waar is alles toch zo mis gegaan?
Duizend vragen, tollend in mijn hoofd zoekend naar de zin van het bestaan. Als het geluk ik plots verrast, denk dan niet na maar grijp het vast.
Maar, er is altijd een weg, altijd een licht. Veeg de tranen nu uit mij gezicht. Want er komt een moment dat het geluk voor mij staat dus hou nog even vol als het niet gaat. Het komt eraan.
Hari2 yg panjang, sendirian. Tak seorang pun disekelilingku.
Terdiam, memandang jam yg berdetak, bertanya pada diri sendiri, untuk apa aku hidup??
Setiap orang terkadang tak bisa menjalani hidup lebih lama. Setiap orang terkadang merasa sakit, begitu juga diriku.
Tidak tidur, melalui malam yg panjang lagi. Dimana letak kesalahan semua ini??
Seribu pertanyaan berputar di kepalaku, seeking to the sense of the existence.
Seandainya keberuntungan tiba2 datang kepadaku, berpikirlah dulu sebelum mengambilnya.
But, there is always a way, always a light.
Hapuslah air mata yg mengalir di pipi ini.
For there comes a moment that the luck for me state thus hold yet just as full as it do not goes. It comes to it.

Everyone wants to know how they can make their relationship better. They want to know how they can deepen the commitment and love between each partner.
Unfortunately relationships are not something you can provide a "to do" sheet for and all will be solved, but with these five key secrets you can certainly improve your chances for getting all you desire out of your relationship.
# Do things unexpectedly
One key secret to a successful relationship is compromise. Meeting halfway on things shows your partner that you really do care about their viewpoint and you are willing to work on making each other happy. Every so often make it a point to do something that you normally would not agree to or feel like doing. When you keep your partner constantly surprised by your actions, you regenerate that "new love" feeling time and time again. So, when your partner asks if you want to try that new restaurant…say yes! If they ask if you want to try a new hobby…say yes!
# Show your loyalty
Nothing strengthens a relationship quite like watching your partner go to bat for you, especially against close friends or family members. It shows that you consider your relationship a team. If you harass one member of a team, you harass them all. When you side with other people against your partner you make them feel alienated and the seeds of hidden resentment become planted. You can show loyalty positively as well by bragging about your partner's recent accomplishments to friends and family.
# Be supportive
Challenges and opportunities are always going to occur. You can't stop them from happening. Hopefully for both of you the changes in your lives are positive ones. The secret key here is having a supporting and understanding mate in your corner to help you through your ups and downs. If you lose your job, it's quite a bit easier to bounce back when you have someone who's willing to support your choices and any new directions you might want to branch out to. If you want a career or lifestyle change, imagine the difference having someone who will carefully consider and support those changes? When your partner is presenting you with a challenge or an opportunity, treat them the way you'd want to be treated.
# Maintain a healthy dose of individuality
Personal time and space are essential to growing individually. Everyone one needs private time to do the things they want to do. It helps refocus attention to the priorities. Learning to respect and notice when your partner needs some individual time shows that you are committed to not only your relationship, but their long-term happiness as well.
# Love your partner
Love is obviously a crucial element in a successful long-term relationship. But having love isn't enough. You need to be in love. The phrase "love is a verb, not a noun" certainly applies here. Don't hesitate to write that quick love note, give that deep kiss, sit next to each other at a restaurant or hold hands in public. The little things go a long way towards establishing a deep, intimate connection with your partner. As simple as it sounds, this action is probably the most commonly overlooked and ignored.
Those're the 5 Secrets to StayingIn Love!