kita sepasang remaja
sama2 terbuang
adakah masa depan?
mereka bilang ada
mereka bilang kita harus jadi baik
hanya orang baik yg punya masa depan
aku ingin jadi orang baik
kamu juga
demi masa depan kita berdua
taken from novel "sepasang remaja" by dewi lestari

hari ini aku mendengar lagi suaranya
begitu pilu menyayat hati hingga membuatku ingin menangis
maafkan aku...
aku memang keterlaluan, tak tau diri
tapi aku tak mau terus terusan menyesali diri
aku cman berharap bisa memperbaiki semuanya
i love u....meskipun aku tak pernah mengatakannya....
but deep down inside my heart, i love u....
*hugz my mom*

*zodiak dari*
Tak perlu marah-marah ataupun kesal pada orang yang memang tak bertanggung jawab. Serahkan saja semua pada yang di-Atas. Biar yang di-Ataslah yang mengadili. Memang kondisi keuangan Anda alami jatuh sekali. Tapi Anda akan kembali ada perbaikan sekitar bulan Agustus. Selamat! Anda memang lagi mujur.
Rezeki: Banyak pengeluaran
Asmara: Dia memang tak tahu diri
zodiak e kompas emang bener huehehehehe :p
hmmmm, tapi apa benar aku kere banget???

ini pas turun salju awal januari lalu
lagi lewat di jalan romantis di taman anjing deket rumah bersama sepeda tercinta
kenapa jalan romantis?? karena jalan setapak ini pinggirnya di apit pepohonan
kalo pas musim semi en musim panas, rindang
tapi kalo pas musim gugur en musim dingin kaya'gini ya gundul ndul hehehe
o iya, tadi pagi ngambil sepeda yg terpaksa nginep semalam di bengkel sebelah
bayar 25 euro hehehehe
dari dulu disuruh beli sepeda baru lagi, tapi aku gak mau
i love my bike, my first bike
dulu belinya pas bulan september 2001, seharga 200 gulden
tentu saja ini masih pake uang ortu, maklum kan waktu itu masih unemployed
sekarang aku punya 5 kerjaan: resto, toko, en bersih2 di 3 rumah :p
eh, rambutku kok berantakan banget yah huehehehe
maklum angin kenceng en gak sisiran :D
kebiasaan nyisir pake tangan je huehehehe :p
wis ah....

*quiz lagi hehehehee*
What Self-Mutilation Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
am i crazy am i cruel?
am i mad or just a fool?

*quiz of the day*
*What Kind Of Person Are You?*
brought to you by Quizilla
kok podo toh hasile??? mbiyen yo ngisi beda versi, tapi tetep dapete happy go lucky go...huuuuuuuuuuuuuu

*song of the day*
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Load up on guns and bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
hello, hello, hello, how low?
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
hello, hello, hello, how low?
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind
hello, hello, hello, how low?
With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now
Entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now
Entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
Yeah, a denial
A denial
A denial...

Kadang - kadang mencintai setangkai bunga lebih
realistis daripada sebuah sungai.
Memang setangkai bunga akan layu pada musim berganti.
Dan aku tak sesombong itu mencintai sungai yang selalu
Karena tak ada yang abadi selain perubahan, dan
mungkin aku akan mati sebelum perubahan itu terjadi.
By the way, I love my flowers. Dengan atau tanpa
kesegaran mahkotanya.
Apa ini egois?
Mungkin ya, mungkin bukan
Jawabnya akan segera kutemukan
karena aku terus mencari.

ngapain kamu mau pulang???
it's not the right time to get home!
pulanglah setelah kau jadi seorang wanita aditama
dengan langkah tegak nan anggun
dagu terangkat
senyuman tipis menghias bibir
bukan seperti keadaanmu sekarang ini
seorang gadis tolol dg langkah santai dan senyuman lebar
seorang yang di penuhi impian dan angan kosong
benar benar tak bisa di banggakan
tak berguna...
iya aku tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
just get the hell away from my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sakit ati rasanya...

Aussie Zodiac
FRILL-NECKED LIZARD (Leo July 24 - Aug 23)
Lizards weave wonderful dreams of memories that have been long forgotten.
They remember the dreamtime, when they ruled the earth.
Lizards, when under threat, will let drop their tails as a defense mechanism ensuring their survival,
but people will not let go of past issues and this will be their undoing.
Woman : The frill-necked lizard woman is usually popular, good looking and has a vibrant personality.
She likes fine clothes and dressing up.
She dislikes slovenly men and likes to feel proud of her partner.
She loves going to dinner or to a show, and likes mixing with the best people, in the right places.
She is intelligent and has a good sense of humour and is! inclined to be independent.
She has a soft heart, is usually sentimental, and has a weakness for flattery.

kemaren aku telpon kakakku yg di jkt, rumah daffa'.
ngobrolan sama si ricky jo, sumo, en badut
mereka lagi main disana disuruh nemenin mbakku yg lagi hamil, suamine (mas lukman) mo meeting di surabaya
so mereka jauh2 dr kampungku ke jkt, en disana selama 2 mingguan
hmmmm, telp lumayan lama juga...biasanya kalo telpon kan selalu disuruh udahan, padahal baru beberapa menit, biar gak mahal bayar pulsanya, katanya...
huuuuuuuuuuu, mbencekno!
si ricky jo cerita ttg keadaan rumah, ttg temen2...banyak banget salam dari anak2 hehehehe
katanya ibu nyuruh dia telpon aku soale aku dah lama gak ngirim surat en poto, hehehehehe...sory lho ya bu, males je nulise hehehehe :p
iya besok aku ngirim surat :)
kata ricky jo, ada temenku yg dah nikah, trus ada yg lagi hamil
trus dapet salam dari atri, katanya ntar dia nikah kalo aku pulang huehehehe, emange mau nikah sama aku po??? kekekekeke
trus ricky jo bilang, kalo si iqbal alias boxir (salah satu fan ku :p huehehe) masih setia menungguku, huakakakakakka!!! dasar sinting!!! :p
dia kemaren juga ikutan ke jkt, tapi trus balik, en besok selasa mo kesana lagi
trus katanya si janur (panggilanku buat kakakku yg sulung) beli truk besar, lik bambang beli mobil, mas lukman juga beli mobil
aduh, kok pada kebanyakan duit toh, mbok duite dikirimin ke aku ae huehehehehehe :p
dasar kampungan nggaya ikz kekekeke, kan bbm naik, mending beli becak or delman (ntar aku kalo punya duit banyak mau beli kendaraan tradisional itu :p)
trus ngomong sama si daffa' , cman bentaaarrrrrrr
biasanya dia gak mau ngomongan di telpon
mana cman bilang "mbak hayu lagi ngapain? daffa mau punya ade, cowok "
sama ngomong apa mbuh nggak nggenah, suaranya kecil, imut en lembut hehehehehe
nggak kaya si billy yg cerewet en nakalnya minta ampun dech!!!!
o iya, dapat salam juga dari pardi, anak yg bantu2 ortuku
kekekekeke, fan ku, yg selalu bilang : mbak, besok aku ikut kamu yah, ntar aku bantu2 cuci piring en bersih2 rumah. heheheheh :p
terus dapet salam dari sapa lagi yah...pokoknya akeh sampe aku bingung njawabi opo ae
aduuuhh, perutku sakit, kakehan maem ikz
wis ah, mau balik kamar dulu, bobok bentar terus mo nyiapin presentasi buat senen besok

Symbol: Lion
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Color: Orange
Metal: Gold
Key Phares: I will
Traits: Confident, loyal, sincere, dignified, enthusiastic, outgoing, impulsive, jealous, self centered
Leos can never e overlooked for their very presence commands attention. Their regal bearing and good looks can usually guarantee this. Their dress is flamboyant or of an expensive appearance and they do not fail to impress you on your first meeting with them.
Female Lions makes wonderful friends has fierce pride and takes naturally to the good things in life. They are a lot like their male counterpart. Although her sex drive is strong, you will not find her in the back seat of the car or out in the open with a sexual mate. Unfortunately she places her faith in the wrong kind of people and suffers much heartache in her lifetime.
The might Lion is the sign of kings and presidents. They have an uncanny talent to lead and people love to follow no matter what they do. They are proud, generous, trusting, energetic, domineering, authoritative and very warmhearted. They make great mates for partners who understand and allow for their roaming ways. In love and marriage their best picks are other fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius as well as a Gemini. Geminis and Leos are really suited if they can get past the selfish part of themselves and understand the true meaning of giving. In business partnerships, Leos should hook up with the other fire signs. Actually work and marriage could be quite compatible for these signs. It goes for the same in the sex department, for sex is just part of a Leo's personality.

*True Love List*
This list represents an outlook on what is required in a truly caring, intimate relationship with someone else. It is a great reminder of not only what you need in a partner but also what you should be to your loved one.
A True Love Is...
1. A friend
2. One who needs a friend
3. A lover
4. One who needs a lover
5. A confidant
6. One who needs someone to confide in
7. Someone who occasionally reminds you uncannily of your parents at times although in different forms
8. A shoulder to cry on
9. Someone who needs a shoulder to cry on
10. Your image of heaven includes this person rather profusely
11. You can look back on the history that you created together and both cry and laugh, hopefully at different parts
12. You are not the same person, instead two separate entities that can combine into a supreme being
13. You plan names for your kids
14. Someone with whom you can discuss anything from menstrual periods to bathroom talk to sexual preferences to life and death to philosophy to science and back
15. When this other person is asleep, you can't help it if you have a twenty page paper do the next morning, you just want to put the universe on hold and watch them.
16. They aren't a super model, yet they are the most beautiful creature that you have ever laid eyes upon, even after twenty years
17. You find yourself thanking God that s/he allowed you to stumble across this other person
18. They can help you see things about yourself that you haven't seen before
19. You help them see things about themselves that they haven't seen before
20. You feel this uncanny sense of completeness whenever you are around this person
21. Each of your separate concerns and victories become a shared concern and victory
22. You love them more than anything else in this entire world
23. When you look down at your hands intertwined, you get a rush
24. When you talk to this person, even on the phone, you feel butterflies. Especially after several years of knowing this person.
25. You are happy when your partner is happy.
26. When you hold your partner, it reminds you of something special you held as a child - ie a stuffed animal, a pillow
27. Your love for this person grows daily
28. You've seen your partner at their worst times and the best times
29. They've seen you at your worst times and best times
30. You ask yourself, "How did I survive without this person before now?"
31. You desire to be with this person the rest of your life (not necessarily marriage)
32. Your heart tells you it's right
33. True love is patient
34. True love is classified as delusional
35. True love is addictive
36. True love waits, (how long, I do NOT know!)
37. Your true love can define or destroy your world
38. Your true love will not change for you.
39. You will not have to change for your true love.
40. The eyes of the other is what make it worthwhile, for in them you can see the boundless love kept just under the surface.
41. Your true love won't leave you.
42. The little voice in the back of your head will quiet its shouting and dire portents, for it will recognize that he/she is your true love.
43. Your true love knows what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and when not to, to help you along
The most important thing about this list is that these feelings must be mutual, not pressured from one another or out of guilt. Also remember, what is meant to be, will be. That is the true meaning of life:
"Life is a journey from one point to
another. You know where you will end
up, but you don't know what route will
get you there." - Andrew Shroads
The journey itself is what makes life, not the outcome.

Thx Sepp...
sedikit rasa percaya diriku hidup lagi
i dont know why u like me very much, but i like u too.
yes i do!
2 org asing, berbeda budaya dan bangsa dan umur
dan tentu saja masalah bahasa
without saying a word, we understand each other
sinar mata yg selalu kulihat di dalam cermin
yg sekarang tertutup bayang kelabu
dan aku melihatnya lagi, di dalam matamu!!!
Sepp, cepet sembuh ya...en get bigger!
tot volgende week :)
we'll have another wonderfull time

Don't Cry
by G n R
Talk to me softly
There's something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Somethin's changin' inside you
And don't you know
Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
Give me a whisper
And give me a sigh
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinkin' of you
And the times we
And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please remember
How I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby
And don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry

round en round en round it goes en where it stops nobody knows
round en round is our love
lets blame it on the star above
berputar dan terus saja berputar tanpa ada yg tau dimana kan berhenti
berputar adalah cinta kita
salahkan saja bintang di atas....

salju turun lagi....
hari ini matahari bersinar cerah
langit biru, sebiru hatiku
hamparan salju yg putih begitu mempesona
hari yg indah...
terlalu indah untuk dilewatkan hanya dg berdiam diri di kamar
dunia tidaklah runtuh
seperti pikiranku
harapan masihlah ada, meskipun menipis...
dalam kesedihan, aku harus bisa mengambil suatu pelajaran
paling nggak aku hrs mulai menyadari, bahwa keluarga adalah yg utama
gurita tersayang dan kita tak kan pernah lepas dari tentakelnya
rumah dan keluarga...a place where i belong...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaa, besok ujiannnnnnnnn!!!! 2 mata kuliah menegh!!!!
rung sinau blas ikz!!!
piye ikiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
tadi tidurnya sampe jam 3 sore!!!!
trus baru poto kopi bahane, uakeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

let it snow...let it snow.....
akhirnya tadi pagi turun salju juga....padahal di perkiraan gak ada salju di western europe, biasa akibat global warming
tapi saljune tipis, gak tebel, belom bisa bikin snowman or antem2an bola salju
tapi photo2 ya harus nogh :p

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding
With the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky
More beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile,
Leave footprints on our hearts
And we are never, ever the same.
thx for coming into my life....

Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar 2003
taun baru ku yg paling seru huehehehehe
jam 5 sampe jam 7 malem makan2 di kfc bareng pi it (koki), seno en 2 temennnya yg kul di jerman, roy en david
trus ke resto...yg dateng dah lumayan banyak hehehe, dan dah ada perlengkapan karaoke :p
tante yopi lagi nyiapin makanan euy
hwuaaaaaaaaaaaa, padahal tadi dah makan ayam sampe kenyang, ini disuguhin salad kepiting, salad kari ayam, en salad apa mbuh satune ra reti
trus ada kip korn, dim sum, kentang goreng, sosis, keju, dll dll
sepanjang nungguin jam 12, kita karaokean sambil makan en minum2
huuuuuuuu, si pi ee (koki kecil) nyetel special lagu woman in love buatku...ya udah, akhirnya aku mau juga nyanyi pake mic huehehe (biasane kan nggremeng tok :p)
trus juga ada acara mainan yg pake kursi (muterin kursi, kalo lagunya brenti hrs duduk)
diajakain dance juga :)
jam 12 malem , bos bangkok mbuka campagne sebotol yg harganya 70 euro!
trus kita saling toast...
akhirnya aku minum juga, mana dikasih 2 gelas lagi!!!
sebelumnya sempet nyruput sweet white wine punya'e dimas :p
benernya rasanya gak enak , kalah jauh di banding dg orange juice yg sekotaknya cman seharga 1 euro
trus kita pada keluar ke rembrandtplein, liat pesta kembang api
huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, apikkkkkkkkkk!!!!
langitnya warna warni :)
tapi sebel juga kalo dah denger petasan yg rentetan itu, bunyinya gak kuaatt!!!
abis itu balik ke resto lagi, minum2 en ngobrol sambil tetep karaokean
hmm, kali ini aku minum vodca di campur jus apel!
gak tau kenapa, pokoknya lagi pengin minum aja!
biarin ae...
lumayan bisa ngilangin sedih yg masih tertinggal...buktinya sehabis jam 12 malem tadi aku bisa ketawa lepas...padahal sebelumnnya lumayan diem huehehe
tapi gak sampe mabok kok, aku kan hrs bisa ngendaliin diri
biarpun di tawarin minum terus , tapii tetep aja cman minum mineral water
2 gelas campagne en segelas vodca= jus apel dah lebih dari cukup :)
hmmm, 40 hari doa gak diterima Tuhan yah....kan ada alcohol yg ikut mengalir dalam darahku...
tapi ya sudahlah....
i didnt mean to be so bad kok...:)
wis ah, mo balikin dvd dulu, udah telat sehari :p