My Lovely Flowers

Lovely Sugar



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Ik ben Jarig!



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"I love you're only a day away..." is my birthday!

a bday gift for lovely SuGaR

happy birthday dear me
happy birthday dear me
happy birthday to dearest me
happy birthday dear me!

*nyanyi buat diri sendiri*

no party no cake

-what a mellow birthday-

Alhamdulillah hirobbil'alamiin
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam

Akhirnya bisa selesai juga hari ini.
Beberapa minggu ini memang rada tertekan, beban rasanya kok berat en susah marake mumet.
Tp Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar. Terima kasih Tuhan...

Setiap bulan juli-agustus, selalu stress mikirin buat memperbarui id card (ijin tinggal) buat setaun ke depan nya. Rasane kok sarat2nya susah...Terutama dlm hal keuangan hehehe. Ngeluuuuu nek mikirin itu.
Mungkin bagi anak2 lain yg ortunya borju sih gpp, lha aku?? struggle sendirian! pokoknya sampe titik darah penghabisan deh kekekeke. enggak ding just jocking :D. paling cman hrs peras keringat banting tulang remek2 awake :p.
Harus pontang-panting kesana kemari.
Belum lagi masalah gementee haarlem (kantor daerah), aku kan kena pajak household , malese mbayar 200an euro. Akhire minta formulir keringanan biar gak usah bayar. Ini formulir juga hrs minta tolong di isikan oleh sebuah instansi yg khusus membantu masyarakat, nggak boleh di isi sendiri. mana kantornya buka seminggu cman selasa rabu, sehari 2 jam tok. Apa ga mumet tuh. Dan juga untuk minta keringanan, hrs ada surat2 pendukung lain, seperti subsidi kamar.
Sekali lagi puji sukur sama Allah, kamarku masih dapat subsidi. Jadi kamarku yg aslinya sebulan sewanya 350a, aku hrs bayar 275an/bulan. Iya di kasih subsidi 71/bulan sama pemerintah. memang sih jumlahnya berkurang dr tahun lalu yg 86/bulan, tp kan lumayan. Si beruang tahun ini permintaan susidinya di tolak jd hrs bayar kamar fullprice.

Selain itu juga ngurusin seklah, tahun ajaran baru boooo, it means...mbayar spp sekolah!
Trus asuransi...dan juga return visa.

Anyway, Alhamdulillah udah kelar semua :). Makasih ya Tuhan....

Tak lupa ku ucapkan terimakasih buat mas B, yg selalu kasih support dan doa. Biarpun terkadang bikin down juga, but he's still my best :) .
Love you honey...

why am i crying?

what is this feeling?

*I Won't Let You Get Away!!*

sebelum kau bosan sebelum aku menjemukan
tolonglah ucapkan dan tolong engkau ceritakan
semua yg indah semua yg cantik

tak akan ada cinta yg lain

haruskah ku ulangi lagi
kata cintaku padamu
yakinkan dirimu
masihkah terlintas di dada
keraguanmu itu, susahkan hatimu

tak akan ada cinta yg lain
kupastikan cintaku hanya untukmu
pernahkah terbesit olehmu
aku pun takut kehilangan dirimu...

percaya takdir kita
"aku cinta padmu"

What Do You Expect From Your Lover???

Since, I'm in a long distance relationship, the foremost expectations I have of my lover are:
- to love me with as much as he has!!
Nothing more important than just for him to love me, and to want to spend time with me. I love him so very much.
As long as i feel loved by him, there's always happiness in me!
- trust
- honesty
don't ever deceive me in any way!!
- faithful and loving, but not perfect.
I have learned that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, but I expect him to keep me in his heart and treat me like I deserve to be treated.
- to treat me like I'm someone special!!
He needs to make me feel as though I am the most important person to him, even if it's just through occasional sweet words.
- I want him to show me exactly how he feels at all times. I want to know I am the most important thing in his life. kekekeke :D
- to take care of me
- monogamy, no other girls please!
- to treat me like I am his one and only!!
- always honor and respect the commitment we have made to one another, total commitment to the relationship.
If there's a problem, don't let it fester; communicate with me so I can deal with the situation no matter what it is.
- accept me as the person I have chosen to be.
- I want him to be there for me, understand me, comfort me when it is necessary.
- to do just the little things.
Like sms me in the morning just to say good morning, sms me at night to say good night, mail me a message just saying how his day was.
- I want him to be my best friend and want to be with me no matter what..........and maybe leave the toilet seat down or do the laundry every once in a while!! :)

huahuahuahaua banyak banget maunya :p
sebenarnya...itu adalah hal2 yg ingin aku lakukan for my lover. is that clear????

* aku adalah mimpi-mimpi *

++..smells good..++

1. parfume -- Dior, Jadore "summer fragrant"
2. soap -- Dove cream oil shower with silk
3. shampoo -- tiada kemilau seindah sunsilk hohaohaoahoa :D
4. conditioner -- enggak pake, males weeeee :p
5. bubblebath -- anuw...punya sabun en bath crystal nya body shop...but...i have no bathtube!! wakakakaka :D
6. body lotion -- Dove silkening body moituriser


1. tshirt -- Esprit, Mango
2. jeans -- Esprit, Forecast
3. underwear -- Hunken Moller


1. bag -- Quick Silver, Kipling, Esprit
2. wallet -- LB soft kulit
3. shoes -- reebok model kets
4. sendal -- jepit warna merah wis mbipuk hohaohaohaoa. sandal kerja euy! udah brp ribu euro yah aku dapatkan dg memakai jepitan?? kekeke. kadang pake high heel One yg bikin kaki sakit :p
5. watch -- Swatch, tp ra tau di nggo menegh
6. glasses -- kacanya copot satu :p, jd sekarang pake softlens hihihi :D


handphone -- Samsung
cars -- Gazelle, berhubung gak ada bensin, jd harus diontel biar jalan kekekeke :p
computer -- AMD Athlon
tv -- no tipi dammit!!


mie goreng -- kwey tiaw pad thai kai bikinan oma bangkok yummyyyyyy!!!
kue -- yg creamy, ber-coklat, ato pie buah
drinks -- apple juice, hot coklat, sparkling water, air kran juga boleh hehehe
chips -- Pringles yg hot en spicy, ato lays paprika. tp paling suka chips yg terbuat dr nangka!!

tempat nongkrong -- depan kompi :p
makan enak -- Thai restaurant Bangkok dong!! still the best thai rest in amsterdam!
minuman seger -- lipton ice tea rasa peach
bioskop -- Pathe de Munt
belanja bulanan -- Supermarket Vomar, Kruidvat, Esprit
main yuk -- moh weeeee :p mo kerja biar dpt uang banyak kekeke :D
have fun -- go mad!!!!!
istirahat -- molorrrrrrrrr!!

mata pedes
perut mual

mumet rak??

!!!so little time so much to do!!!
!!!so little health so much to work!!!
!!!so little money so much to pay!!!

hari ini panas, kemaren2 juga, entah besok2

kamarku wangi...semerbak mawar putih...
i love roses!!

* white roses *

sayangku dengarkan aku..
tak mungkin ku melepasmu..
kan kupertahankan...
kau cintaku...
dan semua air matamu...yg berarti dihidupku...
sayangku...dengarkan aku...
bawalah cintaku...bersamamu...
karena ku kan milikimu..selamanya...abadi...selalu...
ku coba ingkari sepi ini...

-to be continue-

sorry dear...
it was just arghhhhhh my head refused to cooperate!!
so dizzy spinning around
en it got me down in a sec! :(

"i love you, my B"