
Report oh Report
whuaaaaaaaaa, semalem bikin report, trus melajarin bahan exam meeting. dari jam 3 pagi tidur sampe jam 4, bangun, ngadep kompi trus masuk ke tempat tidur baca2, sambil merem melek hehehe :p
trus mandi jam setengah 8. cabut skul jam 8 lebih dikit.
udah ngontel, angin kenceng en gerimis (as always!!!!)
nyampe skul ke km, benerin penampilan yg basah gak karuan huehehehe.
trus beli hot chocholate di machine, enaaaaakkkkkk. lumayan bisa bikin badan anget
trus masuk kelas, ujian meeting en langsung bikin report penyelesean case!
aghh, selese 2 lembar, langsung cabut deh. bosen di ruang kelas terus liatin si phillips mbipuk hehehe *sadisme*
hhixz hixz ntar masih ada ujian londo!!! what a day!!!!
eh, ada pemandangan baguuuuusssssss :)

whuaaa. kemaren bowling nya seruuuuuuu!!!
hehehe, bowling kali ini penampilan lebih baik, rata2 aku bisa njatuhin (opo toh kui jenenge) 7,7 dari 10 .
mana gratis, dibayari euy! minumnya juga, hot chocholate en cream (chocomelk slagroom)
photo nya juga di cetakin hehehe
terus di rekam juga, niatnya mo di bikin film, staff resto bangkok!
whuaaaaaa hehehehe
abis bowling, terus ke cafe l'opre di rembrandt. lagi2 gratisan!!!
aku, nany, yuli, maro, tom (waitress2 sexy hehehe :p), alex (bartender), jason (manager) en elys (pacare si jason)
ngobrol2 seru! tersu malah jadi diskusi ttg agama. whuaaaaaaa, rame deeeeeeeehhhh
campuran sih, islam (aku en nany), kristen (yuli), katholik (jason & maro), gak beragama (alex & elys), en si tom gak tau tuh apa dia punya agama pa gak :p
sambil nyemil doritos yg di goreng pake keju, terus makannya pake saus alpukat nyam nyam nyam...
gak kerasa, jam 4 sore dech. time to work! nyebrang jalan ke resto en mulai kerjaaaaaaaa
kemaren restonya sepi, tapi tip nya lumayan banyak hehehe, dapet 20. soalnya bartendernya kan si jason, dia gak dapet tip (kan manager)
lagian banyak turis2 amerika, kalo ngasih kan mesti banyak hehehe
pulangnya sama pi it di bawain nasgor telor satu kotak makan, en mixed meat (ayam beef udang cumi) satu kotak makan.
hiyaaaaaaaaaa :)

My Best Friend
whuaaaaaaaaa, sekarang dah punya cowok yaaaaaaaaaa .... :)
congratulation ya :)
hixz hixz hixz kapan ya giliranku??? :p
lho pas pdkt kok aku gak dikenalin?
namane sapa??
baik gak org e?
awas ae kalo sampe dia nyakitin kamu, hehehe
hmmm, aku gak tau hrs ngomong apa...
berita ini terlalu mendadak
honestly, aku gak pernah nyangka kamu bakalan punya co secepat ini
apa dia org yg sama yg selalu kamu ceritain, atau org lain...
*aku ngomong di blog, soale imelmu gak pernah bisa di kirimi...*
miss u too, friend.....

"Get Another Boyfriend"
Let's talk about one, baby
You gotta here me out
Do you really think you'll be the last to know what it's all about
Let's talk about who you say
He's the essence of your life
But he'll eat you up from inside slow
And then he doesn't wanna know
I'm tellin you he'll eat you up from inside
And then he doesn't wanna know
Listen, I mean it
There's nothing that he's worthy of
He's just another playa',
Playin in the name of love
I've seen enough, now this must come to an end
Get another Boyfriend
Let's talk about what,
He's done to become your number one
Or was it all the promises of diamonds,
pearls and party dresses that turned you on
I've seen it before
Anymore, free too,
You're through for sure
Just go get on with your life
Acting like you're giving up
I'm telling you, go get on with your life
Stop acting like you're givin up
Listen, I mean it
There's nothing that he's worthy of
He's just another playa',
Playin in the name of love
I've seen enough, now this must come to an end
(must come to an end)
Get another Boyfriend
Hey Yeah ah
Here me now, you must know what it's all about
he's just a playa in love this must come to and end
Get, another boyfriend
Listen, I mean it (I mean it)
There's nothing that he's worthy of
(ain't nothing that he's worthy of)
He's just another playa' ,
Playin in the name of love
I've seen enough, now this must come to an end
Get another , Get another, Get another Boyfriend
Listen, I mean it(hear me now)
There's nothing that he's worthy of
(you must know, what it's all about)
He's just another playa' ,
Playin in the name of love
(he's just a playa in love)
I've seen enough, now this must come to an end
(this must come to an end)
Get another Boyfriend, Get.....another boyfriend

merahnya jaket semerah luka...
kemaren jumat ke rotterdam, janji ketemuan di erasmus university.
whuaaaa, aku masuk lewat gerbang yg lain...si tipe akhire muter kekekeke
terus makan di café nya erasmus. niat mo makan lasagna gak jadi, keburu abis. asem ikz
akhire makan tart apel, sup asparagus, en salad campur2 en hot chocholate hehehe
terus ketemu ma anak2 ppi (perhimpunan pelajar indo) cabang rotterdam
berhubung haarlem belom ada ppi nya, mereka minta aku jadi ketuane.
wakz??? sing nggenah aeeeeeee! gak mauuuuuu !!!! weeeexxxx!! :p
jam 4 keluar kampus, naik metro ke winkel centrumnya rotterdam (pusat pertokoan)
huakakaka, keliling2 sampe kaki mo patah rasane!
masuk esprit tentu saja hehehe
tapi disana gak beli apa2. gak ada yg sreg.
nyoba kaos lengen panjang, bagian lehernya ada talinya, keren sih....tapi kok dadanya rendah banget???
ya gak mauuuuuuu!!! hehehehe :p
ke folks, liat2 baju pesta hehehe. whuaaaa, apik2!!!
terus ke pimkie, nyoba2 gaun kekekeke
naksir rok panjang, warnanya keren!! bahannya jatuh, ngepas banget. pas tak coba....lho, kok belahannya sampe pertengahan paha.
whuakakaka, aku ma tipe ya cman ngakak aja.
kalo di paduin ma sepatu boot bawah lutut, pasti keren hehehe
terus nyoba2 blouse tanpa lengan, t-shirt body fit, tank top juga kekekeke
ada kaos yg modelnya keren, warna putih...tapi...kok tembus pandang??? huehehehe
aghhhhh, piye iki??? kok dadi sok feminin ngene huehehehe :p
kapan2 ke rotterdam lagi agh, beli baju2 resmi ke pesta.
valentine nanti kan mo ada gala dinner plus dansa kekekeke (dateng gak yaaaa???)
di street one, liat jaket merah. pertama liat langsung suka dech. coba bentar. terus bawa ke kassa.
hehehe, lumayan buat winteran.
jaketnya 2 in 1.
dalemnya ada body warmer nya, yg bisa di copot
gak rugi deh ngeluarin uanng 100 euro buat satu jaket :)
abis itu masih muteeeeeerrrrrr gak karuan.
trus makan di surinamse restaurant.
makan nasi ayam zuut zuur saus.
waks, porsinya gak aturan deh! bisa buat makan 5 kali!!! hehehe
wes aahhhhhhhh critaneeeeeeee.....

nyontek quiz dari blog e mas ai hehehehe
Take the quiz here!

*song of the day*
tadi pagi pulang dari amster , brrrrr dingiiinnnnnn, langsung nyetel tipi. cenel musik, TMF
ada satu lagu yg aku suka :) , punya e total touch , i'll say goodbye
gak tau, cman suka ae pas perhatiin lyric nya :)
abis itu sarapan en mandi.
huwaaaaaaaa, pas di km, denger lagunya goo goo dolls , iris.
kyaaaaaa, lari deh nyamber slimut, soale anduknya kecil huehehehe
I'll Say GoodBye
I'll say goodbye
And walk away from all this pain inside
This love will die
It's an endless road so I'll say goodbye
I think about the times that we spent all alone
Think about the times that I would dry your tears
Help you through all your fears
Now you're telling me that you have to move on
When I needed you the most you let me down
Won't see my tears, our love has gone
I don't understand how good love can go wrong
Must have been a lie that I laid
All my hopes are dreams upon
Holding back my feelings I won't let them show
'cause now I realize I have to face the truth
And try to let you go
I'll say goodbye
Can't count the tears I've cried
Can't find the reason why I should live
In endless confusion
l'm gonna spread my wings and say goodbye
It's time for me to fly

*crazy mind of mine*
hah??? mo ke schipol airport???
gila kali ya....
gak tau mo ngapain, pas bangun tadi pagi (jam sebelas dah siang yagh??), rasanya pengin terbang balik indo :(
sempet kepikiran bawa tas punggung en "sedikit perlengkapan" en langsung ke stasiun naik kereta ke aiport!
hahahaha dasar sintinx! untung aku gak jadi nekat, like i always do....
terus abis mandi tadi, tiba2 aku tanya ke bu erte yg lagi burning cd di kamarku,
"harga pizza sensasi lezat ber2 tuh berapa ya bu??"
heh? kamu knapa toh anakku??
hehehehe, gak tau . cman nanya aja
gajimu satu jam cukup kok. turah. tip mu hari ini bisa buat traktir pizza sampe mblenek!
whuaaa, dasar kumat!!!

autumn break
whuaaaaaaaaa dingiinnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!
besok libur musim gugur seminggu
rencananya mo ngapain aja???
gak tau.
yg jelas, hrs bikin project!! soalnya masuk dah harus di kumpulin! terus persiapan exam meeting inggris.
research buat presentasi. hix hix hix, kalo gini sih gak liburan namane!!!
pokoknya mo jalan2 ke rotterdam ma tipe. mungkin juga ke madurodam. masih buka gak ya???
akhir pekan nanti mo ke pante zandvoort.
nyepi bisa bikin tenang kali ya.....
kalo mo teriak2 juga gak ada yg ngelarang hehehe
gimana kalo nyebur ke laut aja???

verlichting control
kemaren malam kena patroli lmapu sepeda dech!
pas boncengin tipe, lewat depan abn amro...kyaaaaaa
mana lampu ku depan belakang gak nyala semua
ya udah, akhire beli lampu 16 euro, gak jadi kena denda 23 euro hehehe
lampunya portable, terang lagi. en bisa di bikin kelap kelip hehehehe

kemaren pulang dari kampus, sepedaan ke rumahe tipe
hix hix hix...naik sepedanya kok ngawur yagh....
bener2 gak peduliin rambu2
alhamdulillah gak ketabrak...almost...
kok kacau banget seh :(
mana gak bawa sarung tangan....dingin....
en freezing in my heart....
sampe rumahe tipe, di buatin nasgor
katanya aku bener2 look so terrible :`(
but i said nothing ... mmm, en ngobrol2 biasa
terus jam 9an, balik ke steve biko, mboncengin tipe

*song of the month*
Secret Garden (Jerry McGuire Version)
Bruce Springsteen
Dorothy: I was just about to tell you
Laurel:(uh huh)
Dorothy: that I love him I do... I love him I love him and I don't care what you think. I love him for the man he wants to be and I love him for the man he almost is. I love him laurel I love him I love him
She'll let you in her house
If you come knockin' late at night
She'll let you in her mouth
If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides
you got to be fair to her. she loves you. if you don't love her you got to tell her
She'll let you in her car
To go drivin' round
She'll let you into the parts of herself
That'll bring you down
She'll let you in her heart if you got a hammer and a vise
But into her secret garden, don't think twice
what if we got married if I said that would you stay,
no no don't do that. don't say that unless...
You've gone a million miles
well you can say if you want to
How far'd you get
will you marry me?
To that place where you can't remember
(Jerry) what are you thinking?
And you can't forget
Laurel, we're getting married!
She'll lead you down a path
There'll be tenderness in the air
She'll let you come just far enough
So you know she's really there
She'll look at you and smile
And her eyes will say
She's got a secret garden
Where everything you want
Where everything you need
Will always stay
A million miles away
Do you Jerry Mcguire take this women to be your lawfully wedded wife do you Dorothy boyce (not now sweetheart) take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband
I know pronounce you husband and wife
I pretended that proposal by the car was real
and it might have been just a hypothetical I did this and at least I can do something about it now
So this brake is a brake up (sighs)
Come on Jerry you know this isn't easy for me
OK OK if this is where it has to end if this is where it has to happen. I'm not letting you get rid of me. how about that I miss my wife. I love You. You complete me and I just ha...
Just shut up just shut up. you had me at hello you had me at "hello"

hix hix hix, kakiku kena ruji ikz
gara2 malming kemaren abis kerja mampir ke kerk, trus pulang bareng anak2 kelas satu yg mo main ke rumahku.
di boncengin si ook, bawa barang belanjaan dari deka....en...kyaaaaaaa......stoooooppppppp!!! kakiku masuk ruji :(
sepatu en kaos kakinya sampe lepas ikz. alhamdulillah, cman ke gores. gak parah2 amat.
tapi sekarang kalo jalan ya agak2 gimanaaaaa....sakit ke gesek2 sepatu bagian belakang :(
trus yg lebih mangkelno, assignment ku diilangin si phillips! dasar mr karl phillips mbipuk!!!
gak tau ya aku ngerjainnya semaleman gak tidur!

song of the day
*Never On My Mind*
You make me feel like I was special
But then I found out that it was your specialty
You said you'd give me everything
But, instead you gave my all to everyone but me
And it was plain to see
But now I know better
I have to move on
I'll find another baby
Wish you were never on my mind
No more lies and maybes
Now I'm taking back what's mine
Find another baby
And I'll be better off this time
So you can be where everStill you're never on my mind
I threw out all my memories of you
As they fell to the ground
The sun came shining in
Black and white has turned to color
With a single breath I feel my life begin
Now it's the time to win
It's the end of this story cause I'm moving on

tadi masuk kelas cob (consumer behaviour) percuma dech!
gak ada yg nyantol blas!
gak dengerin team yg lagi presentasi!
gak dengerin feed back dari dosennya!
cuman nyoret2 handout!!
hix hix hix
seperti lagi di dunia lain
somewhere...in the dark
masukin pic iki ae. jelex!!!

hihihihi, hari ini semuane kacau!!!
tadi pagi abis sarapan, kan mo minum. huehehehe, buka kotak orange juice. huakakaka...bukannya di tuang ke dalem gelas, tapi tak tuangin ke dalem botol jam!!! hehehehe....selai rasa empat buah di campur jus!!!! huakakakaka....padahal kan aku udah mandi, harusnya kan udah seratus persen bangun...hihihihi
terus tadi, pas kelas inggris, harusnya di lantai satu, tapi aku datengnya ke lantai dua! terpaksa turun lagi deh.
en abis kelas inggris, niatnya mo ke ruang komputer di lantai satu. kok aku malah turun lagi. bingung, kok gak ada ruang kompinya. whuakakaka. dasar dudulz!! kelas inggrisnya kan udah di lantai satu!! tinggal jalan ke koridor sebelah dah nemu ruangan2 kompi! malah turun ke lantai dasar! terpaksa naik lagi!!
whuaaaaa, dari tadi naik turun tangga terus! sarapannya dah ilang nih! :p

*congratulation hanibi*
akhirnya beruang en bendot jadian!!!
hari ini, rabu, 2 okt 02, jam 00.17
trus tadi pagi bendot dateng ke kamare beruang, bawa buket mawar!! huwaaaaaaaaaaa....
hehehe, seharian beruang gak ikut kelas ikz :p
ben, akhirnya sukses juga yagh...
salut dech aku ma kesabaranmu
apa sih yg nggak kamu lakuin buat beruang???
beruang bener2 beruntung :)
ben, kalao kamu tanya knapa aku mau bantuin...aku juga gak tau
maybe coz...i dont know!!!!!!
mmmm, aku tau apa yg kamu rasakan....coz i feel it too
kita tuh sama ben, cman aku gak tau apa aku bisa se sabar kamu...
lama2 perasaanku bisa meledak !!
what should i do???
apapun yg ku lakukan...rasanya sia2...
shall i give up??

* sorbet mangga *(mangga jarang banget, ntar tak ganti apel ae!!)
225 g gula pasir
250 ml air
80 ml air jeruk lemon
4 buah (1,5 kg) mangga Arummanis, kupas, ambil dagingnya, cincang
2 putih telur ayam, kocok lepas
Cara membuat:
Masak gula dan air hingga gula larut tetapi tidak mendidih.
Masukkan air jeruk lemon, aduk rata. Sisihkan hingga dingin.
Taruh mangga dalam mangkuk blender, proses hingga lembut.
Tuangkan larutan gula dan jeruk lemon serta putih telur. Proses hingga tercampur rata.
Tuang dalam mangkuk dan ratakan.
Simpan dalam freezer hingga hampir beku. Aduk-aduk hingga terbentuk butiran kecil. Bekukan kembali.
Sajikan dingin dengan irisan mangga segar, jika suka.