thx to...
mas ai, mia, tipe, purnomo, hanibi + bendot, pi it, marince, boo, haho', tante nina + oom edward, bu rt + pak rt, merry, melisa, fitri, david, isabella, umakure, niken, patty, albert, charmian, mbak tetty + frank, roy, kak willy, sigit, hengky, yenny, sisil, yoan, dirga, fiter, willy + erwin, arista, prengky, ooq, yoga, rio, gina, sukri, niena, emak iria, inge, lia, shirley, febry, charles, dll yg tidak bisa di sebutkan namanya (soalnya wis bingung akeh banget je :D)
yg udah ngasih ucapan met ultah, baik secara langsung (yg disertai jabat tangan, cium pipi, en pelukan) ato lewat telpon & sms, lewat yahoo messenger & msn messenger, or lewat email.
harstike bedankt allemaallllll :)
i'm old yeah, already hiahiahiahia :p
*my bday song*
by Albert & Bendot
I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know the places where we go
When we're gray and old
'Cos I've been told that salvation lets their wings unfold
So when I'm lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head and I feel that love is dead
I'm loving angels instead
And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
whether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead
When I'm feeling weak and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above and I know I'll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

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