Selamat ulang tahun, Mas...
Semoga mas diberikan Allah umur panjang, kesehatan, kekayaan, dan kebahagiaan...but most of all i wish u a never ending love (for me only hehehe :p)
Your birtday is a big deal to me, since it's the day that u were born (i want to be the first one who says happy bday to u, i want always be your number one!!!), if u weren't born we wouldn't have met en we wouldn't be a couple!
So, on your special b-day I thank God for sending you to me....I love you so much :)
I wish you a very happy birthday, Love...mwa mwa...
O ya, hari ini ade bikin puding jelly dan juga masak ayam sapi udang with chilli sauce (masaknya di resto). You know Honey, I tried to celebrate ur bday on my own hehehe. Semoga di tahun2 mendatang kita bisa merayakannya bersama. Amin.
Good luck with your job hunting.
Always remember this Honey:
"Shoot for the moon. En if you miss u'll still be among the stars"
Do your best. Dapatkanlah pekerjaan besar yg Mas inginkan, pekerjaan yg Mas sukai.
=== I LoVe You ===
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