i miss him so badly!
hearing his voice is like...having bubble bath!
so warm...en gentle!
this distance has brought differences to us in so many ways.
looking back to the past, i saw our reflections there. we were together, but yet not as close as we are now.
in the next few years, no matter the situation & the condition we will be in, i know that we'll always be connected coz we're having the same blood.
bro, maybe someday i'll disappoint you en the whole familly. but i promise with all my heart that i...will always be a good one. at least, i will not bring any harms to other people.
hey, i'm harmless right?? RIGHT??!
*hugz my bro, my mom, en my briant*
ps: td aku sempet ngobrol sama my lil briant, i asked him what he wants me to bring him as a gift. guess what he wants...kuda lumping!! euleuh euleuh...itu anak emang funny abiz! en nakalnya minta ampun deh. dia suka banget sama kuda. selalu naik andong ke pasar tuh hehehe. asyik asyik nanti ada temen naik kuda. i love you, Brilliant!

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