now: mulai ngisi pertanyaan2 konyol ini, nungguin cucian yg baru dimasukin mesin cuci, ntar kalo dah slese mo dimasukin dryer en baru deh molor.
2hours ago: di kereta amsterdam - haarlem
6hours ago: bawa piring makanan, gelas minuman, nyatet pesenan, triak2 minta bill ke bartender, mberesin meja, senyum2 nggak karuan, en more en more...intine, aku kerja!!
Bought: mascara double extension, tas cewek, baju backless yg cantik dan sexy!! :p
read: surat tagihan kamar en hp!
watched on TV: lupa! aku nonton tipi terakhir malam minggu kemaren pas di tempate tipe, soale aku nggak punya tipi! ada yg mo beliin buatku??
kill: this damn emptiness!
kiss: my precious...husband?? *lol*
food: bakso, mie ayam, tempe bacem, pindang, bebek panggang, ayam goreng/bakar, whatever asal halal n enak! basicly...i love foods! :p
drink: apple juice, water, jamu beras kencur huehuehue :D
color: red, green, white, black, blue...rainbow is just beautiful!!
shoes: kets
site: http://mynick1428.blogspot.com
song: as long as you love me
vegetable: sekarang aku suka hampir semua sayuran! kulit melinjo, sawi, caisim, kangkung, terong, kacang panjang, wortel, dll dll.
fruit(s): apel, nangka, mangga, semangka, melon, peach, cherry, jeruk manis, melon, tomat, nanas, so on lah pokoke
Last movie you saw: the passion of the christ. it bloody hell sucks! so sadis. i dont like this movie! ntar mungkin mo nonton Troy, pengin liat aksinya oom brad. pdhal dia td siang suting film di stasiun haarlem pas aku mo ke amsterdam. sama si matt damon en george clooney. kemaren lusa malam dia ada di depan resto bangkok lho :p.
Last phone number you called: service nummer
Last song you heard: endless love
Last thing you had to drink: air putih
last thing you ate: 2 shrimp springrolls, 1 vegetarian springroll, en 1/2 kaleng ikan tuna.
last time you showered: td siang pas mo kerja hehehe :D
last time you smiled: i forgot! it's like millions time ago. eh, maksudnya smile yg hanya smile di bibir itu? o kalo itu sih barusan juga aku smile kok.
last time you laughed: beberapa jam yg lalu
last person you kissed: i dont kiss!!
Last thing you said: assalamu'alaikum.
do drugs: never ever!
drink: yeah...just wanted to taste, but i didnt like it! so dont worry, i'm still ur sweet lil kid!
sleep with stuffed animals: what?? i'm sleeping with my handphones!
believe there’s life on other planet: sure. once i've lived in a planet named...sorry i forgot, it's been a long long time ago.
read the newspaper: kalo pas di kereta ada koran ya iseng2 baca meskipun nggak ngerti artine huehueheu :p
have any gay or lesbian friends: punya lah. disini kan gudangnya!
believe in miracles: yup!!i'm a miracle, u're a miracle...
believe in astrology: iseng2 tok!
believe in magic: of course yesss! i'm the girl from the magical world!
pray: kalo lagi insap hehehe
go to church: untuk berdoa? nggak. tp kalo ke kathedral buat rekreasi sih sering.
have any secrets: it's secret!!
have any pets: nope, but i wish i could have hamster, rabbit, cats...something fluffy lah pokoknya.
have any piercing: nggak. en nggak pengin!
have any tattoos: nggak...tp pengin sih di tattoo di bagian2 tertentu yg keliatannya sexy en cool hueheuheu :p
hate yourself: hate myself en want to die?? no!!
wish on stars: i wish upon a star...bla bla bla :p
believe in witches: nggak taulah. pengin sih bisa jd penyihir yg bisa ngubah benda macem2 en bisa terbang pake sapu ijuk...kan seru hehehe :D.
believe in Satan: i do believe they exist...
believe in ghosts: ho oh kali
trust other easily: sometimes...
like sarcasm: no!
take walks in the rain: kalo terpaksa!!!
kiss with your eyes closed: harus ituuuu biar tambah romantissss en....
sing in the shower: sometimes..
love yourself: i love myself. dont u love me too?
miss someone: yeah...
bored now: ho oh!! en ngantuk pengin bobo!!capek...
finally i'm done with these stupid questions huehueheu!

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