~#~ Rome, I'm In Love!!!! ~#~
hiyaaaaaaaa, aku lagi di Romaaaaaaaaa!!!!
pokoknya kota ini bener2 amazing!!!
ntar deh aku ceritain semua.
ini lagi ngenet di internet cafe.
capek sehabis muter2 gak karuan.
ini hari ketiga di Roma.
masih ada hari besok dan lusa.
trus tgl 26 cabut ke Florence.
28 nya ke Milan.
pokoknya ntar kalo udah di belanda, bakalan cerita abissss deh.
foto2 juga bakalan di pajang
u guys have to go to here!!
so amazing!
so romantic!!!
aaaaaaaaghhhhh, spechlesssss!!!
pokoknya dr pertama aku menyusuri jalan2 Roma, langsung jatuh hati sama kota peninggalan jaman Romawi ini.
alhamdulillah Tuhan mengijinkanku melihat kebesaran-Nya.

~#~ Merry Christmas ~#~
tadi pagi aku bangun gara2 di telpon tante nina.
jam 10 pagi!!
padahal harusnya aku kerja jam 1/2 10 hoahoahoa, ndak denger alarm jeh.
ya maap tante.
mana ditengah jalan sepedaku mogok!
roda belakang gak mau muter.
kayaknya girnya patah.
huhuhu, terpaksa jalan sambil nyeret sepeda.

Planet Internet is a big ass hole!!!
tau nggak??? internetku di putus koneksinya!!
malem rebo kemaren seperti biasa sehabis pulang kerja, langung nyalain kompi.
mo internetan.
ehhhh, ternyata gak ada koneksi!!
coba berkali kali tetep gak bisa.
ya udah lah. akhirnya beresin kamar.
trus paginya, coba konek internet lagi, tetep gak bisa.
akhirnya terpaksa telpon providernya.
trus dibilangin kalo accountku udah di delete, means koneksinya didiskonek!!
katanya mereka dapet surat dariku tgl 1 des kemaren, yg minta stop abonemen internet.
pdhal aku tuh gak pernah ngirim surat2 kayak gituan.
dasar koplo!
harusnya kan mereka konfirmasi dulu sebeleum main putus memutus.
asli mangkel polll!!!
trus dia bilang kalo mau aku apply internet lagi.
f*ck you!!!
akhirnya aku putusin telponnya dg hati gondokkkk pollll!!!!
trus mandi deh.
eh eh...kok pas liat bayangan dicermin, ngerasa cantik deh :p
pdhal kan aslinya mirip nenek sihir :P
heoahoehao, mbuh, pokoknya seneng aja!
trus cabut deh ke centrum (pusat kota/pusat belanja), ndatengin KPN (kayak telkom kalo di indo).
minta di-disconect telpon rumahnya.
lha ngapain aku punya telpon rumah, kalo adsl internet dah diputusin dg semena??
untungnya yg ngelayanin aku orgnya baik.
ngetik2 di kompi, di print, trus setelah aku tandatanganin, beres deh.
tgl 24 bakalan dah didiskonek phone line nya.
tp terpaksa aku harus bayar abonement untuk bulan depan.
gpplah. yg penting i can get rid of that shit!
trus, ke V&D beli charger batre 38 euro. digicam ku matek ra tau tak enggo soale ra ono batrene hoahoehoa :p
besok beli compact flash yg 128mb biar bisa ngambil poto banyak pas di italy nanti :D.
abis itu ke kantornya upc, apply internet cable "chello classic"
org yg ngelayanin aku ramah en lumayan lucu hehehe.
kalo gak ada halangan, internet ku bakalan koneksi lagi mulai tgl 2 januari 2004.
doain yah prends....
trus cabut kerja ke amsterdam deh!!!
gak tau kenapa yah, akhir2 ini aku kalo abis kerja, pasti terus gak enak badan.
kepala ngelu en perut mual en kadang sakit.
dan kalo mau tidur, demam2 gitu.
mungkin karna winter en kondisi badan yg gak fit, en juga di tambah kangen yg parh.
tau lah...

still not feeling well, but better lah drpd tadi pagi.
ehmmm....my friend reminded me something i've forgotten for a lil while
yeah, i'm gonna go back to my invisible world
a place where there're no heartaches nor dim
a place where i found my sweet serenade
a special place, for just the two of us
today, as i see your reflection, you look so mature en still....gorgeous!!
i was in love with him the first time i saw his pict in his first album...since then, i went crazy bout him.
i collected anything...his photos, his posters, his articles, his pins, anything that related to him...

~#~ A Lesson Learned ~#~
I ran into a stranger as he passed by.
"Oh, excuse me please", was my reply.
He said, "Please excuse me too,
I wasn't even watching for you."
We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said good-bye.
But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
Later that day, while I cooked the night's meal,
My young son stood beside me very still.
When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
"Get out of the way," I said with a frown.
He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.
While I lay awake in bed,
A still small voice came to me and said...
"When dealing with strangers, courtesy you use,
But the children you love, you seem to abuse.
Look there on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers by the door.
Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself - pink, yellow and blue.
He stood quietly not to spoil the surprise,
And you never saw the tears in his eyes."
By this time, I felt very small
And then my tears began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by his bed,
"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.
"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
He smiled, "I found 'em out by the tree.
I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."
I said, "Son, I'm sorry how I acted today,
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.
You know I love you anyway."
I said, "Son, I love you too,
And I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

Bulan lalu kan aku iseng2 bikin profile di face-pic, tapi ndak tak urus hoehaoheao.
kmaren dapet messages dari strangers, tak kopi paste yoh:
Subject:nice to meet u.
Date:11 Dec 2003 21:47
I Have seen your profile at face-pic and it really attracted me i will like to be your penpal if u
dont mind.My name is suku,a Gambian nationality of west africa,i am 24 years old and a single.
i definitely wnt us to be very good friends indeed. I really like the Netherlands and it peoples i
was there 2 years ago and living in a town called Gouda for 3 months.Please write back to me as soon
as u got this letter and i will tell u more about me later.Hope to read from u soon.
Date:11 Dec 2003 22:21
Subject:hi thr
Date:13 Dec 2003 11:10
hi thr may i have ur msn id
i want to be ur friend will u be my firend
Date:13 Dec 2003 11:41
hi ,
am so happy to write you as a new friend .how are you doing and anyway nice to meet you .
i am mustapha cham , i age 21 from africa , The gambia . i music and dancing . am also an africa
craft designer working in the tourist market .
i will like to keep in touch with you as a new friend .
i will like to hear from you and wish you good luck .
have a nice day.
ICEBERG ......
message2 itu blm ada yg ku bales, soale ra reti rep nulis opo.
lagian i dont feel like replying it jeh.
tapi nek aku di unekke sombong piye??
gomenasai mina san...

Onii chan,
how's your business going??
onii channnnn...kapan kamu punya pacar??
/me pengin dikenalin
my dear brother
this is the only pic i have.
tuh, dia pake kaosku!
heoahoehao, sepertinya kaos2ku yg dulu di pake ama dia ikz.
kekeke, kebayang gak betapa tomboy nya aku dulu :D :D :D
selalu pake t-shirt oblong, H&R n C59 n Dagadu
hauhauhaua, dulu aku ndak punya baju cewek jeh :p
masku yg satu ini penampilannya kayak gali yah dg rambut ikal panjang.
lha mbiyen emang gali jeh :D
anak jalanan yg suka nongkrong di terminal bus,
tp benernya dia tuh pendiam, beda banget dg penampilannya yg terkesan "sangar"
nah, saking pemalunya dia kalo sama cewek, blm pernah sekalipun dia pacaran :p
pdhal yah, ada beberapa cewek yg naksir dia.
anak gadis tetangga, ada juga yg bekas teman sekolahnya.
sudah sejak beberapa tahun lalu dia jadi anak rumahan,
kerjaannya kalo bangun tidur, mandi trus beli bubur di depan rumah (dibeliin, soalnya isin ndak pernah mau beli sendiri),
trus seharian nongkrong di sofa deket jendela sambil ndengerin tip or nonton tv/vcd.
trus sorenya lawatan dara (merpati)
ya gitu deh.
kalo aku pas liburan en pulang ke rumah sih ya kita ber2 nongkrongin tipi seharian.
soale sama2 pengangguran.
sekarang dia udah buka usaha, bukan usaha sendiri sih, cman cabang dr usahanya mas ku yg paling besar.
i love him...but i've never told him so...

* Forever Love...does it really exist?? *
looking for myself, i want to become your sky...
turning it into the power of love
thank u for your love, the singing melody
it is all thanks to the light's penetrating voice
just thinking of u always makes me happy :)
thx for you love...thx for you love...SweetHeart
Forever love...does it really exist?
itu salah satu topik yg ada disebuah forum.
komentar para membernya bagus2.
tapi yg paling mengena buat ku sih komennya si chsio :
menurut gue, gak semua orang tuh end up with their true love..
some people just work it out and try to understand each other..
tapi ada juga yang emang deeply in love with one another..
yang hari2nya dipenuhi dengan romance..
tapi toh life is not only about romance
buat gue pribadi.. i'm lucky enuff to have found my soulmate...
in whatever condition, i felt that i'm always in love with him..
even when i'm mad, i can't see his face, or else i'll melt.
the love is that strong, that i can't be mad at him at all..
but that doesn't mean that we don't have problems.
Kebayang gak kalo elo bete, tapi elo gak bisa marah sama dia?
elo sebel sama the way he handle things, and yet, elo gak bisa ngomel dan complain ke dia?
Gosh.. sometimes it's killing me, and kadang gue pengen cari orang lain yang sejalan and punya ambisi segede gue..
Yes, we're in love, but in a lot of ways we think differently and see things from such diversed angles.
does that make me wanna give up on love? no we try to talk it out and try to understand one another..
My point is, love is not above everything... to have a good relationship is to respect and understand each other.
When the love is gone, work on those two things, but when the 3 are gone, you'll have nothing.
itu tuh sama seperti yg aku rasain.
ada yg mo nambahhin ttg true love???

* mangga *
Tadi pas mo nyebrang jalan di deketnya V&D mo ke resto bangkok, aku ketemu sama Tante Yoppie en Joella (ponakannya tante).
Hehehe, jalan bareng trus mampir ke toko buah en makanan lainnya.
Si tante beli cherry en strawberry.
Tau nggak, cherry satu kilo harganya 40 euro!!!
Asli larang poll!
Tapi cherry nya kualitas nomer 1 :D.
Si Jo'i (panggilannya Joella) di beliin manisana berries (ada aardbei, bessen, dll).
Nah, aku juga kebagian nih.
Di beliin manisan mangga&pepaya&kiwi. :D
Baik banget yah Tante Yoppie.
Untuk buah en manisan gitu aja dia abis 40an euro.
Orang kaya jeh :D.
tapi biarpun Tante itu kaya, penampilannya sederhana.
Orangnya ramah, rame, suka ketawa, lucu, dan gak pelit. pokoknya sanguinis deh :p.
Aku terkadang di beliin barang sama dia.
Barang kecil2 sih kayak td manisan mangga (sekitar 5 euro harganya), trus juga di beliin tempat untuk manasin makanan di magnetron.
Trus kadang di masakin makanan buat di bawa pulang.
Gimana aku gak betah kerja di resto bangkok kalo bosnya baik banget :).
Lagian kalo di resto bangkok, aku boleh makan apa aja.
Jatah makan si seharusnya sekali, pas resto mo buka.
Tapi aku selalu makan kalo toko dah mo tutup gitu.
Apalagi kalo resto lagi sepi, aku pasti makan terus hoahaoahoa.
Sampe si bartender yg baru itu bilang gini:
"kamu itu lho makan terus tapi kok gak lemu2"
hhihihi :p
Ben ke, enak jeh :D
Jadi kalo di resto, aku makan besar (bareng2 semua staff termasuk bosnya) jam 1/2 5an sore.
Trus malemnya sekitar jam 9 ke atas, aku makan lumpia ayam, sate, ikan goreng, salad, es krim, buah rambutan en kelengkenng (aku gak suka lychee), kadang dibikinin sup.
Pokoknya kalo resto dah tinggal beberapa meja orangnya, waktunya ngemil.
Smoga nanti aku kalo dah kerja beneran suasananya menyenangkan seperti di resto bankok.

*~* O-nii Chan *~*
Hikz, aku kangen sama my bro...
Gara2 nonton scrapped princess.
Si Pacifica keliatan deket banget sama kakaknya, Shannon-nii.
Pengin deh bisa bersandar di lengannya, seperti Pacifica bersandar di lengannya Shannon ketika mereka duduk sambil leihat sun rise.
Pengin aku menggandeng tangannya, seperti Pacifica menggandeng tangannya Shannon waktu mereka berjalan bersama.
Hikz, kenapa dulu aku tak pernah melakukan hal2 seperti itu yah??
Kenapa aku dulu tidak bermanja-manja terhadap kakakku??
Kayaknya cman sekali deh, my Baron merangkul pundakku waktu kita lagi jalan2 di maliobro mall.
Pokoknya nanti kalo aku pulang bakalan ku ajak dia jalan2 berdua dan ku gandeng tangannya.
Kan kuajak dia kepantai, duduk menyaksikan sunset, sambil bersandar di bahunya....
Someday.....kan kuwujudkan angan2 itu....
I wanna spend more time with my big brother.
Onii chan, i miss u...
* give a big hug to my big bro *

Installing LOVE
Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready to install it now. What do I do first?
Tech Support: The first step is to open your HEART. Have you located your HEART, ma'am?
Customer: Yes, I have, but there are several other programs running right now. Is it okay to install while they are running?
Tech Support: What programs are running, ma'am?
Customer: Let's see... I have PAST-HURT.EXE, LOW-ESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE, and RESENTMENT.COM running now.
Tech Support: No problem. LOVE will gradually erase PAST-HURT.EXE from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory, but it will no longer disrupt other programs. LOVE will eventually overwrite LOW-ESTEEM.EXE with a module of its own called HIGH-ESTEEM.EXE. However, you have to completely turn off GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. Those programs prevent LOVE from being properly installed. Can you turn those off, ma'am?
Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?
Tech Support: My pleasure. Go to your Start menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. Do this as many times as necessary until it's erased the programs you don't want.
Customer: Okay, now LOVE has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal?
Tech Support: Yes. You should receive a message that says it will reinstall for the life of your HEART. Do you see that message?
Customer: Yes, I do. Is it completely installed?
Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other HEARTs in order to get the upgrades.
Customer: Oops. I have an error message already. What should I do?
Tech Support: What does the message say?
Customer: It says "ERROR 412-PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS." What does that mean?
Tech Support: Don't worry, ma'am, that's a common problem. It means that the LOVE program is set up to run on external HEARTs but has not yet been run on your HEART. It is one of those complicated programming things, but in non-technical terms it means you have to "LOVE" your own machine before it can "LOVE" others.
Customer: So what should I do?
Tech Support: Can you pull down the directory called "SELF-ACCEPTANCE"?
Customer: Yes, I have it.
Tech Support: Excellent. You're getting good at this. Now, click on the following files and then copy them to the "MYHEART" directory: FORGIVE-SELF.DOC, REALIZE-WORTH.TXT, and ACKNOWLEDGE-LIMITATIONS.DOC. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching any faulty programming. Also, you need to delete SELF-CRITIC.EXE from all directories, and then empty your recycle bin afterwards to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.
Customer: Got it. Hey! My HEART is filling up with new files. SMILE.MPG is playing on my monitor right now and it shows that PEACE.EXE, and CONTENTMENT.COM are copying themselves all over my HEART. Is this normal?
Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes a while, but eventually everything gets downloaded at the proper time. So, LOVE is installed and running. You should be able to handle it from here. Ah, one more thing.
Customer: Yes?
Tech Support: LOVE is freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everybody you meet. They will in turn share it with other people and they will return some similarly cool modules back to you.
Customer: I will! Thanks for your help!
Remember, LOVE is Freeware!