* Forever Love...does it really exist?? *
looking for myself, i want to become your sky...
turning it into the power of love
thank u for your love, the singing melody
it is all thanks to the light's penetrating voice
just thinking of u always makes me happy :)
thx for you love...thx for you love...SweetHeart
Forever love...does it really exist?
itu salah satu topik yg ada disebuah forum.
komentar para membernya bagus2.
tapi yg paling mengena buat ku sih komennya si chsio :
menurut gue, gak semua orang tuh end up with their true love..
some people just work it out and try to understand each other..
tapi ada juga yang emang deeply in love with one another..
yang hari2nya dipenuhi dengan romance..
tapi toh life is not only about romance
buat gue pribadi.. i'm lucky enuff to have found my soulmate...
in whatever condition, i felt that i'm always in love with him..
even when i'm mad, i can't see his face, or else i'll melt.
the love is that strong, that i can't be mad at him at all..
but that doesn't mean that we don't have problems.
Kebayang gak kalo elo bete, tapi elo gak bisa marah sama dia?
elo sebel sama the way he handle things, and yet, elo gak bisa ngomel dan complain ke dia?
Gosh.. sometimes it's killing me, and kadang gue pengen cari orang lain yang sejalan and punya ambisi segede gue..
Yes, we're in love, but in a lot of ways we think differently and see things from such diversed angles.
does that make me wanna give up on love? no we try to talk it out and try to understand one another..
My point is, love is not above everything... to have a good relationship is to respect and understand each other.
When the love is gone, work on those two things, but when the 3 are gone, you'll have nothing.
itu tuh sama seperti yg aku rasain.
ada yg mo nambahhin ttg true love???

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