i'm so hell tired today...phisically en mentally...
starting very late at 11 am,
waiting my sweet gorilla for almost an hour en half,
just wanted to hear some words to comfort my heart,
but it was vain.
he might be busy with his thesis.
then got out (walking o'course!) to gabriel's house,
coz i promised him to come today.
a long the road, this heart was filled with tears!
sms-an sama my ex calon kakak ipar,
made my heart even gloomier than last night.
knowing that not only me who cries over my sweet sister,
sometimes tears running down on his cheeks when he prays for her in the middle of the night.
oh...what a love!
half my soul full of happiness en the other half is dying in pain!
dear sister, u're so loved by people all around the world,
but yet u're alone, fighting that damn freaking asshole!
a real single fighter, my beloved warrior princess...
after finished my job, i walked back very slowly.
dropped by in post office just to save a couple of euros.
then continue my journey
it's very beautiful weather today.
man! 20 degrees!!
hot hot hot!
muter2 keliling gak tau juntrungan...
ku biarkan kakiku melangkah tanpa arah yg jelas,
sambil mata sesekali terpejam, dan tarikan nafas yg dalam
sepanjang jalan, my thoughts were spinning around
oh gosh, i was thinking loadz!
en finally there it goes...river!!
sure i stopped by just to watch the ducks swimming,
en the dogs pissing en playing with the kids.
after a while, i wanted to lay on my own room
my head...
so...i walked again.
berjalan kembali melewati rumah2 yg tenang,
menyaksikan seorg ibu sedang memotret bangunan rumah nya yg lg di renovasi.
i smiled at her, en she started speaking to me but i didnt even understand a single word!
maaf bu, pikiran kulo lagi buntu...
lalu, berhenti di tengah jalan ketika menyebrang,
memberikan kesempatan buat nenek2 yg naik sepeda dan sepertinya kewalahan untuk menghentikan sepedanya.
senang rasanya melihat senyum terima kasihnya :).
lalu, kembali berjalan menikmati pemandangan rumput yg dipenuhi bunga,
i couldnt resist not to take one,
so...i picked the beautiful one...
i wanted to give it to my sister,
en saying: " get well soon dear "
bunga rumput for my sista
sampe rumah, check my mailbox.
hueh dapat surat dr kampus,
minta aku datang ngambil "propodeuse",
itu kayak sertifikat yg menyatakan kita dah lulus level pertama,
kind of D3 degree.
sudah hampir setaun tapi blm aku ambil2 juga hehehe.
kmudian masuk kamar, get myself on line but invisible.
listening to my old cd,
en ended up fell asleep in my orange bed,
till kang mas manggil2...
we started arguing something that my mind is not really into it.
it's a bit sad...since i've got enough in my brain.
but anyway, i wanna thank him for letting me know that i can cry on his shoulder.
terimakasih mas for being with me tonight...
engkau pernah bertanya,
seberapa besar, luas, dan dalam cintaku padamu
aku tak menjawab sebesar bintang2 disana,
aku tak menjawab sedalam samudra biru disana,
aku tak menjawab seluas galaksi raya
aku berharap bisa membawamu ke dalam jiwaku,
agar engkau melihat cinta yg ada disana
sebesar itu lah cintaku
seluas itulah cintaku
sedalam itulah cintaku
dia... mengisi keseluruhan jiwaku...
- sebesar jiwaku, seluas hatiku, sedalam perasaanku -

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