My Lovely Flowers

Lovely Sugar



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Mijn Liefde


Like Teen

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Ik ben Jarig!



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how is it that I could find friends that are caring and kind. that listen with their hearts and never want to be apart. they make living so much fun and create wonderful memories of all we've done. i hope we can stay friends forever for our friendship is a treasure!!!

pulang kerja, liat mailbox. yuhuuuuuuu, postcardnya dah nyampe tux!!! huakakakakaka, di kirimin kartupos nya F4!! dasar si titux jerry mania! kalo aku sih suka ma ben&jerry. yeah, i love ice cream that much!!! mmmmm, yummy!!!

tip, sorry ya kemaren malem bener2 dah teler! restonya rame banget! ya sorry kalo aku ndengerin curhatanmu sambil merem melek....
tipe co kaya si air ya pastilah ce nya lembut kaya si tessa!!! gak mungkin dong dua2nya sama2 rame. kan hrs balance! tenang tip, masih banyak kok co sanguinis yg bisa bikin kamu ceria! pokoknya besok jumat jangan terjun dari pesawat yagh!!! awas lho, kamu kan hrs balik sini, bawain sepatu pesenanku nogh...!!! hehehehe

abis ndengerin cemburunya dewa terus ndengerin pupus tambah sedih yagh...?? makanya mendingan denger smells like teen spirit nya oom kurt!
"load up on guns en kill ur friends. it's fun to lose en to pretend!!"

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