My Lovely Flowers

Lovely Sugar



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Ik ben Jarig!



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dear dave...

aku tau kalo saat ini kamu sedang merasa sbg org yg paling jahat diseluruh dunia.
dan org yg kamu harapkan mau memberikan dukungan moril buatmu,
justru membuatmu semakin merasa benar2 jahat...
pleez remember that u're NOT such a person!
u know that she's so horrible
dont let her get in ur way
just ignore her
she's not worth it to be think of
u gotta be alright, honey.
now please smile :)
think of the nice things other people said to u.
en remember what Opa said today:
"ik hou van je. ik ben blij dat je elke zaterdag en zondag hier kommen. je ben echt bizonder"
(i love u. i'm happy that u come here every saturday en sunday. u're really special).
see, there're loadz of people who love u.
just one person hates u, doesnt mean that u're bad. okey?
welterusten moppie (sleep well, sweety)

love u,
- LuDu -

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