~*~ Fulle ~*~
"Have you ever been in love?" dia bertanya ketika kita duduk di salah satu pinggiran air mancur di taman itu.
Kuangkat bahuku.
"I thought I was in love once. But it wasn't really love."
"Because it hurt so much. Love is supposed to be a good thing. It's supposed to bring happiness, not sadness. Why? Have you ever been in love?" tanyaku balik ke Fulle.
Dia mengangguk pelan.
"I was in love last year, and it didn't work out. She didn't like the fact that I was in boarding school and could never see her," jawabnya lirih. lalu melanjutkan,
"She wanted me there all the time, and I wanted to be there. I just couldn't. She was nice girl, you know? Pretty, smart, nice. I think she just got sick of waiting for me to come home."
"Then she wasn't the one," aku menimpalinya.
Fulle menatapku tajam. "What?"
"Well, don't you think that if someone really loves you, they want you to be happy?"
"Yeah. But no one wants to give up their happiness either." balasnya.
"That's the point. If someone truly loves you they'll be happy that you're happy."
"I don't see how that could be true in this case. She was unhappy because she never saw me." nada suara Fulle terdengar agak sedikit emosi.
"If she loved you enough, she would have seen that it was impossible for you to be at two places at once. I'm not saying that she should have been happy. She just should have been more understanding. You need to finish school. It's not an option. What if when you went to college, you could have been near her? Couldn't she have waited for that?" aku bertanya.
Fulle mendesah pelan.
"I don't know. You make it sound easy, but it's not."
"Love's not easy. I never meant to say that. However, if someone loves you, they'll stick it out. The good and the bad, don't you think? If they can't, or if they don't, then it wasn't love, and you have to let go." kataku panjang lebar.
Fulle membalikkan badannya dan menatap wajahku, pandangannya menembus kedua bola mataku.
Sebenernya aku agak nerves juga, di pandangi olehnya, dg jarak yg lumayan dekat... apalagi ditatap oleh seorang Fulle. He's really cute hahaha (kangen :D)
"So, you don't think love is worth giving up things that make you happy?" ada tekanan dalam nada suaranya.
Kugelengkan kepalaku.
"Fulle, I've learned real love asks you to give up nothing. It encourages you to have more and is happy when you're happy no matter what."
Fulle menggigit bibirnya dan masih terlihat sedikit bingung, tp dia mengangguk.
Ku belai rambutnya yg halus.
Dan dia memejamkan matanya. Tiba2 aku merasa begitu kasihan padanya.
Fulle...dia terlihat tak bahagia dan kesepian...
"I'm glad I met you," he said, eyes still closed.
"I'm glad I met you too," I meant to say, but it came out as whisper. Tenggorokanku terasa kering.
We ended up hugging each other tighly...
Perasaan yg mengharu biru, ketika memeluk seorang lelaki yg punggungnya bergetar menahan tangis kesedihan.
Entahlah...saat itu aku ingin sekali melindunginya, tak ingin membiarkan org lain menyakiti hatinya.
my points are:
- cinta seharusnya membawa kebahagiaan, bukan kesedihan.
- jika seseorang benar2 mencintaimu, maka dia ingin kamu bahagia, dia akan bahagia jika kamu bahagia.
- cinta itu memerlukan pengertian dan kesabaran yg tinggi
- cinta itu tidak mudah
- jika kita mencintai seseorg, kita hrs bisa menerima kekurangan dan kelebihannya. dan jika kita tidak bisa menerimanya maka itu bukan cinta, biarkan lah dia pergi.
- real love asks you to give up nothing!
- last but not least, kita tak pernah salah karena mencintai seseorang...

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